This clip was taken from our podcast. I cover the top 5 reasons to switch to pc from console. The first reasons are mods. Mods are amazing and add so much value to games. Not only do that add content to the game but they also will fix the game before developers do.
The next reasons are pc exclusives. Many games can only be played with a mouse and keyboard which simply can not be played on console. The next thing is that the PC is more than just a gaming machine. It is a full on computer that will fulfill all the things you could need. The long term price for a PC might actually be cheaper if you don't break any parts or something like that. You don't have to pay for xbox live or PSN plus. If you want to customize your gaming experience even more than you need to be playing on PC. You absolutely need to be on PC if you want to have a custom gaming experience.
Playing on pc is not always better it has some draw backs too. Often times you will install a game then it just won't work. Sometimes its an easy fix and other times nothing you'll do will fix it. This is probably like 5% of the time. If you hate trying to troubleshoot your game then this will drive you up a wall. Hardware on PC is a lot more sensitive and me personally have had major components break at a rate of about once a year. If you don't want to deal with this or can't afford to pay for new parts than this will be really frustrating. This last negative about playing on PC is the increased rate of hackers. It is far easier to hack on the PC so you will find them more often.
Playing on pc is not always better it has some draw backs too. Often times you will install a game then it just won't work. Sometimes its an easy fix and other times nothing you'll do will fix it. This is probably like 5% of the time. If you hate trying to troubleshoot your game then this will drive you up a wall. Hardware on PC is a lot more sensitive and me personally have had major components break at a rate of about once a year. If you don't want to deal with this or can't afford to pay for new parts than this will be really frustrating. This last negative about playing on PC is the increased rate of hackers. It is far easier to hack on the PC so you will find them more often.