Number 5 - Sea of thieves I was playing Sea of thieves the night it came out and the few hours I played was some of the most fun I had in a long time. While playing that night with my friends we had completed quests from every faction, beat a skeleton fort and even fight the kraken and won. It was an amazing gaming session that I still remember to this day. When I logged in the next day there was nothing new to do. I had done everything there was to do in one night. I had enjoyed all the content in the game.
All I had left to do was buy cosmetics and grind to max level. To make things worse this game was priced at $60 so I had expected a full game with many more hours of content. If this was an arcade game that had costed $20 or $30 I would have been satisfied. After the first night there was just nothing new for me to do. Number 4 – GTA online Grand Theft Auto V broke sales records and in the process cemented itself in history as one of the most popular games of all time. But while the single player component for the game launched with little issue, the multiplayer mode fell apart quickly. As millions of players tried to get online, the games servers were quickly overwhelmed. Many people couldn't log in, some couldn't even get to the character creation stage, and a few found issues with activities such as jobs and races. Rockstar did promise a (virtual) $500,000 stimulus package as an apology for the game's technical issues but given that players had been waiting almost a month for GTA Online to get it together, not everyone was willing to let the company off the hook. I remember when I played the first two days, I made it all the way to level 17. I logged in the next day and my character was deleted, and I had to start all over. This was rare and only happened to few players, but it happened to me. Number 3 – No man’s sky It all started Two weeks before the official release, a Reddit user was able to purchase a leaked copy of the game for the PlayStation 4 from eBay for roughly $1,250, and started posting various videos of their experiences in the game. Other users also claimed to have leaked copies, and began sharing their own gameplay videos. Some of these reports included negative elements about the game, including frequent crashes and a much-shorter time to "complete" the game by reaching the centre of the virtual galaxy than Hello Games had claimed, leading many fans to express concern and frustration that the game might not be as good as they anticipated. In response, Murray asked fans waiting for the game to avoid these spoilers, stating "We've spent years filling No Man's Sky with surprises. You've spent years waiting. Please don't spoil it for yourself." Of course all the concerns that people had about the game were correct. There are spreadsheets full of missing features for no man’s sky. There are hour long videos talking about everything that was missing from the game. Number 2 - Halo the master chief collection The Halo series has been a staple of the Xbox console ever since Microsoft first unveiled the brand more than a decade ago. Most gamers have fond memories of those original Bungie games, and so they wanted to re-experience that nostalgia with Halo: The Master Chief Collection. Unfortunately, players would have a hard time getting into that multiplayer, as The Master Chief Collection's matchmaking has been notoriously terrible. Consoles would turn themselves off because of how long it would take to find a match. Players were simply unable to get into matches – sometimes having to wait for hours – and although a patch was released following the game's release, it took more than a dozen patches and three years to solve the problem once and for all. Number 1 – Starwars battlefront 2 Battlefront 2 was one of the most anticipated games in 2017. The EA Battlefront that had come out in 2015 was a fun game with great core mechanics. The only issue was that there was not a lot of content. Battle front 2 was supposed to change that and everyone was hyped. When the game released it came with a great story unlike the original EA battlefront. Credit where it is due EA made a fun story mode. However, the multiplay was a complete mess. The game had introduced a loot box system that can be paid for with real world money. Now these boxes didn’t just have cosmetics, no one would really care if they were but, they had ability cards and upgrades to ability cards.